@echo off
Color 1F
pushd %~dp0
rem 32-bit version of SDI works BOTH on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.
rem 64-bit version of SDI works ONLY on 64-bit Windows.
rem EXECEPTION: 32-bit version of SDI cannot run on Windows PE x64.
rem 64-bit version is faster and doesn't have the 2GB RAM per process limitation.
title=Start Snappy Driver Installer
if /i "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%"=="x86" (set ARCH=x86) else (set ARCH=x64)
if "%ARCH%"=="x86" goto :32bit
if "%ARCH%"=="x64" goto :64bit
echo 32-bit
set xOS="R"
goto cont
echo 64-bit
set xOS="x64_R"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od "%~dp0SDI_%xOS%*.exe"') do set "SDIEXE=%%a"
if exist "%~dp0%SDIEXE%" (
start "Snappy Driver Installer" /d"%~dp0" "%~dp0%SDIEXE%" -Autoinstall -Autoclose
) else (
echo Not found 'Snappy Driver Installer'!
timeout 6
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